Instruction, Orientations, & Consultation
GNTC Library Services offers three ways librarians can assist faculty and students:Library Instruction, Library Orientation, and Individual Consultations.
Library Instruction
Librarians are available to visit the classroom and instruct students on how to use library resources. Faculty may also request a virtual library instruction session to be provided via Webex. The instruction can be tailored to areas that are directly related to the topics that each class is studying and research that those students will be conducting. Time for in-class research can be built into the instruction, if requested. The instruction can be as brief or as lengthy as preferred by faculty.
Library Orientation
Instructors may bring students into the library for a basic overview of library services and resources. As with instruction, orientations can be as brief or as lengthy as preferred.
Individual Consultations
Librarians are available for research consultations in person or via WebEx. Consultations could range from introduction to library resources to guidance for a specific research topic.
How to Request
All of the above can be scheduled throughout the semester by contacting a Librarian in person or by sending us an email.
Please give as much notice as possible. Special arrangements can be made to accommodate early morning or evening instruction needs.